Molinek Family News Blog


February 3, 2017 AM


Finally an update. Does anyone ever look here?


Check out the Family Tree Page. I have given instructions on how you can view the Ross Family Tree on the Ancestry DNA website, for FREE.


January 20, 2014 PM


There have been a lot of changes to the old Ross Homestead in Natick. The folks who are the second owners after we sold it, have been there for almost 20 years. They have preserved almost everything as it was when we lived there and when we sold it in 1990. I went there today for the third or fourth time to take some pictures. The latest shows two finished dormers on the old roof. If you scroll down the page of the Ross Family Homestead in the Picture section you will find what the inside looks like today. The owners were very nice and let me come in and take pictures anywhere I wanted. Nice people. Emma would be so happy to see that such fine folks are caring for her home.


November 19, 2013AM


A new Family Tree format has been started. I expect to be collecting information for many folks soon.


July 26, 2011 PM


Even though it has been a fine day, I decided to make some changes to this web site. It shall now be called the Molinek Family Web Page. After all, every one of us is here because of Joseph and Mary Molinek. So that is what my focus will be, for the moment.

My goal is to get as many pictures and stories from as many of the Molinek generated relatives as I can


June 1, 2011 PM


Sister Priscilla has provided me with many pictures. I have posted them on her picture page, but haven’t yet added names to the folks. I will get to that soon. Keep in mind that when the sun is out here in NE, we must take advantage of it.


May 31, 2011 AM


Happy Birthday to Umpy, the man who started this all. Born on May 31, 1884.


Priscilla has begun to send me lots of pictures from her family. I will get them posted to her new picture page as soon as I can.


May 27, 2011 AM


I am in the process of fixing up the pictures already loaded to correct for size and contrast and a few scratches, etc. It is time consuming, but the pictures will look better when I’m all done. If anyone wants a copy, either download using Firefox(low resolution) or asked me for an original.


May 23, 2011 PM


I have just added a new set of pictures that were provided to me by Pete Howard.

Maybe one of these days we will all know who all our relatives are or were. Pete is the son of Al Koulalis who was the son of Elsie and Nick Koulalis. Elsie was one of the 8 Molinek sisters.

Al left Connecticut in the early 50’s, went to Montana, then Korea and then back to Montana. Never to set foot back East again. I think.

Anyway, many thanks to Pete.


May 21, 2011PM


OK, I’m playing with the format a little. All suggestions will be dealt the same fate.


May 19, 2011 AM


The first order of business is to get as many old photos as I can get my hands on posted to this web site. These pictures come from the Molinek clan primarily. Anyone with photos that they would like to share with the rest of the gang, let me know. You can send me jpegs or the actual photos which I will scan and send back to you.

I do expect to clean up the pictures and get some names on there so you will know who the little rascals are. I will probably not try to organize them into years, decades or family. Just semi-random pictures of relatives from all different ages.


May 18, 2011 PM

After many months of working with Comcast, they finally figured out why my personal web page was faulty.

So now, I will begin construction which will start by adding as many old pictures as I have. Time will be needed to clean some of them up and add some names because I’m sure that some folks looking at the pictures won’t recognize all the parties.

More later