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For fans of Natick, MA or candlepin bowling…. From May 23, 2011 New York Times

Courtesy of Skip DeMelle

Title: Mourning the Loss Of Yet Another Alley. (National Desk)(NATICK, MASS.)

The New York Times 

Abby Goodnough. (May 23, 2011)

''It's all over with,'' Marilyn Onorato said, casting a final gaze over the 32 lanes at Fairway Bowling. ''Boo hoo.''

She was trying to be stoic. But in the world of candlepin bowling, the loss of Fairway, which closed last week after nearly 56 years, feels huge.

This was where Mrs. Onorato, 78, and countless others from the Boston suburbs competed at a uniquely New England sport, as tricky to master as it is for outsiders to understand. Candlepin bowling uses much smaller balls and skinnier pins than the traditional game, making it harder to score points -- and easier for champions to gloat.

Mrs. Onorato was one in her day, as was her late husband, Fran, a member of the International Candlepin Bowling Hall of Fame. More recently, Mrs. Onorato played in a Tuesday night league at Fairway, whose 84-year-old owner, Helen Sellew, decided there was no longer enough business to stay open.

Fairway joins a long list of shuttered candlepin bowling alleys; about 40 remain members of the Massachusetts Bowling Association. Some modernized to survive, but Fairway stayed old-fashioned, with no video games, alcohol or other diversions. It also stayed unglamorous, though some found the carpeting on the walls a pleasing touch.

For years it was the site of a Saturday television show, ''Candlepin Bowling,'' that had a cultish local following.

''When they took away our show, everything changed,'' Mrs. Onorato said. ''Nobody had anything to compete for anymore.''

On one recent afternoon, only four lanes were being used, the din of the grapefruit-size balls the only sound.

Mrs. Onorato left quietly. A couple in their 40s from Wellesley who had bowled there as children allowed more sentiment, taking their final scorecard as a souvenir.

Outside, the marquee bid farewell to generations of candlepin fans: ''We loved you all! Please remember us!''

COPYRIGHT 2011 The New York Times Company

Source Citation

Goodnough, Abby. "Mourning the Loss Of Yet Another Alley." New York Times 23 May 2011: A12(L). General OneFile. Web. 24 May 2011.

Document URL


Lane closings

NATICK — The 32 lanes of one of the most prominent suburban bowling alleys in the

area will go dark next Friday night, as Fairway Bowling, a Route 9 institution, shuts its

doors after nearly 56 years in business.

The prospect of Fairway’s closing — the latest of several local bowling alleys to close

recently — is “like a death,’’ said Helen Sellew, who with her father and brother,

helped open the business in 1955 on part of their family’s dairy farm.

“When we opened, everyone bowled,’’ said the 84-year-old owner. Fairway, which

charged $1 for three games, or strings, in the 1950s, was so popular that it expanded

from 16 lanes to 32 just five years after opening, and the family built a golf putting

and driving range behind the complex.

Over the years, the long, squat building with the orange-paneled façade and the

brown and tan fiberglass benches became familiar to fans of the long-running local

television show “Candlepin Bowling,’’ hosted on weekends by Don Gillis on WCVBTV,

featuring the distinctive New England bowling style that features smaller balls

and thinner pins than traditional tenpin bowling.

Yesterday, Fairway’s faithful bowlers, nearly all in their 80s, lamented its end.

“I hate to see it close,’’ said Bob Cowie, 81, who has been bowling with close friends

Ed Lupinksi, also 81, and Joseph Quagliozzi, 80, all of Waltham, for nearly a halfcentury.

This is the third regular bowling haunt the trio has watched close. Riverside Lanes in

Newton closed in the 1980s, and the Wal-Lex bowling and roller-skating complex shut

its doors in 2002.

Just last month, the 90-year-old Needham Bowlaway, an eight-lane candlepin alley

nestled on a basement floor near Needham Center, also closed its doors. On its

Facebook page, the Needham alley thanked customers for their support, but said the

economy had made it impossible to stay in business.

“There’s not too many places left,’’ said Quagliozzi.

The men said they would probably begin bowling at the Acton Bowladrome next


The state has approximately 40 remaining candlepin bowling alleys registered with the

Massachusetts Bowling Association, according to the group’s website.

Al Gangi, president of the association, called the Fairway closing a blow to the state’s

bowling industry.

“Whenever you lose a candlepin center, it means a tougher time for everyone still

here,’’ he said.

The association’s membership includes approximately 40 remaining candlepin alleys,

down from a high of more than 100 members in the 1970s, said Gangi, whose family

has operated bowling alleys in Woburn, Gloucester, and Milford, N.H., for three


At the Fairway, which uses old-fashioned scorecards and rents a pair of scuffed

maroon-and-navy bowling shoes for $3.25, Sellew agreed earlier this year to sell the

33,000-square-foot building and surrounding property. It was assessed by the town in

for $2.8 million and has gone to another local business, the Dover Rug Co., which has

said it will probably move its showroom there.Continued...

Page 2 of 2 --

For decades, the Fairway hosted leagues at 5 p.m., 7 p.m., and 9 p.m., said Sellew.

Today, only the 7 p.m. time slot is used.

There was a time when suburban women were regular daytime bowlers, and men

were avid after-work bowlers, wearing colorful shirts bearing their company or civic

organization logo.

But women entering the workforce on a larger scale in the late 1970s and 1980s created

a sea change for activities like bowling. It became harder to fit into busy family life,

she said.

But over the decades, Fairway always prided itself on being “clean, safe, and

friendly,’’ Sellew said. Her father disliked pinball machines and their descendants —

arcade video game machines — and never allowed them, keeping the Fairway a

calmer, family establishment focused on bowling, she said.

Many of the successful contemporary bowling businesses — including Kings in

Boston, Lanes & Games in Cambridge, and Metro Bowl in Peabody — incorporate

video games, light shows, and even cocktails into the experience, but that was never

the Fairway’s niche.

“It’s been said you can’t make a living the old way anymore, and maybe that’s right,’’

Sellew said. Yet, she refused to sell the Fairway as a bowling business, choosing

instead to see it close.

“Nobody would have run it the right way, the way I wanted,’’ she said

A typical weekday still draws about 100 bowlers. Fairway is still a lively place on

weekends, Sellew said, with hundreds of younger bowlers paying $4 per game. But

that is not enough to sustain a business that has sky-high bills for heating and air

conditioning, in addition to other expenses, she said.

Gloria Cullati, 88, of Framingham is part of a Thursday afternoon women’s bowling

club and has been coming to Fairway since 1960.

“We just love the sociability and sitting together,’’ she said.

Mechanic Jeremy Seaholm, 30, who keeps the pin machines and scoring machines in

working order, has been working full time since graduating from high school 12 years

ago. He considers himself lucky to have found a new job as a bowling alley mechanic

at Ryan Family Amusements in Millis, but will work at Fairway until the last pin falls.

“A lot of people are saying they are going to miss this place,’’ Seaholm said.

The staff does not plan a party for the May 20 closing date, though the lanes will be

open until 11 p.m. as usual.

The landmark marquee will probably bear a final message, Sellew said, yet to be


“I think we’ll just say that we’ll really miss everyone,’’ she said.

Erica Noonan can be reached at

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