50th Reunion Photo with numbers060613

At least two of the six people circled above remain unidentified. We now know that #33 is Dave McGhee, #75 is Sue Sissenwine, and #79 is Sylvia Curran, and we believe #98 is Virginia Quirk. #111 and #140 remain total mysteries. So, what say you? ZOOM in on the photo and tell us what you think. The pool of candidates (people we know attended the Saturday evening gala) includes Richard Brown, John Faldetta, Robert Wicklund, John Martin, and Joyce Murray. Doug Cox and Barb Epstein also attended the gala but did not make it onto the deck for the class photo. And, of course, some of the mystery folks may be spouses of classmates.


50th Reunion Photo with numbers(2)


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Help please!!!

If you can identify ANY of the folks in the photo above who are not yet listed below, or if you believe someone has been misidentified, please contact us at Natick1961@gmail.com. Thank you



(graduation names)


1      Brenda Harbridge

2      Judy Reckendorf

3      Gail Mosman

4      Bob Anderson

5      Irene Morton

6      Paula Mostecki

7      Toby Becker

8      Edie Hopf

9      Mary Ann Gowen

10    Russ Brown

11    Joan Fitzgerald

12    Laraine Stepner

13    Carolyn Hasgill

14    Ann McGarry

15    Carol Lindquist

16    Ann Jayne Sigalove

17    Janet Ross

18    Sandy Ghetti

19    Paul McDonald

20    Janice Wilson

21    Bob Baker

22    Fran Morris

23    John Lamont

24    Ron Gerber

25    Ken Hamwey

26    Mary Higgins

27    Arthur Taddeo

28    Ron Torrao

29    Joe Bigelow

30    Walter Lee

31    Ann Nichols

32    Ed Estella

33    Dave McGhee

34    Susan Sullivan

35    Janice Connell

36    Ted Bracken

37    Joanne Fancy

38    Carl Rinehart

39    John Frazee

40    Ken Harrington

41    Bill Coan

42    Joe Kiley

43    Penni Cole

44    Richard White

45    Johanna Longo

46    Kathy Fahey

47    Walter “Skip” DeMelle

48    Richard Incorvati

49    Dick Mullens

50    Dennis Zicko

51    Marion Godden Sawyer

52    Sue Wyman

53    Nancy Riley

54    Sharon Campbell

55    Evelyn Grady

56    JoAnn Perreira

57    Sandy Ufford

58    Judi Konowitz

59    Donna Mayo

60    Diane Armitage

61    Maria Rabbio

62    Richard Zonghi

63    Joni Ford

64    Paula Klein

65    Antoinette Zaccagnini

66    Cathy Barnicle

67    Margaret Lynch

68    Pam Brady

69    Nancy Barstow

70    Ken Gray

71    Geri Piccioli

72    Tony Pessini

73    Judy Duff

74    Patti Hersey

75    Sue Sissenwine

76    Sandra Nickles

77    Ely Bloom

78    Maureen Maffei

79    Sylvia Curran

80    Monica Cotter

81    Bob Tripp

82    Bruce Fisher

83    Gilford Pellerin

84    Keith Oldfield

85    Dave Mercier

86    Joanne Victor

87    Suzy Stiller

88    Grace Marinelli

89    Susan Redfield

90    Geri O’Keefe

91    Marcia Jansson

92    Unassigned

93    Irv Evans

94    Paul Van Tassel

95    Ken Hibbert

96    Tom Stewart

97    Rick Price

98    Virginia Quirk

99    Bruce McGee

100  Don Mulley

101  Joe Hendrickson

102  Walt Hriniak

103  Gus Capizzo

104  Ronda Frye

105  Sheila Newhouse

106  Sandy Hewson

107  Paula Breen

108  Janice Freeman

109  Beverly Wentworth

110  Ed Donovan

111  Unknown

112  Richard Rose

113  Lee Holbrook

114  Kenyon King

115  Harris Newman

116  Pat Cuniff

117  Bill Lewis

118  Marianna Leccacorvi

119  Ron McGee

120  Gary Witten

121  Bill Dunbar

122  Richard Klein

123  Art Hall

124  Leo Sullivan

125  Jay Downing

126  Ed Kavanagh

127  Norman Bloomstein

128  Ralph Sims

129  Ron Spinney

130  Gerry Gunrud

131  Paul Withrow

132  Robert Miller (husband of Sheila Newhouse)

133  Tom Tassinari

134  Lewis Rosen

135  Brad Everett

136  Lou Westcott

137  Milburn Stuart II

138  Bob Von Dohlen (husband of Judi Konowitz)

139  Peg Lewis (wife of Bill Lewis)

140  Unknown

141  Peggy Hladick

142  Pat Mansell