Teacher Plaques


On Saturday night, September 12, 2009, the Class of 1959 presented special plaques to the four teachers invited to be our guests. These plaques were presented by Al Ross, Dick Wells and George Williams.


The following is an excerpt from the opening remarks made by Al Ross:


We have some awards to present tonight.

These awards are very prestigious. They are so prestigious that they are given out only once every 50 years.

First of all, I have to tell you how the recipients were selected.

These are the four criteria we used.

·         They taught us in the Natick School system between 1955 and 1959

·         Their selection was unanimous

·         They were and are beloved

·         They were alive

All four of these teachers met at least 3 of these criteria

I will present the first of these awards to Miss Hope, Dick Wells will present to Mr. Filledes and Coach Fitzgerald and then George Williams will present to Mr. Shea.

Here is a facsimile of those plaques presented.

Hopeplaque.jpg     Filledesplaque.jpg


Fitzgeraldplaque.jpg     Sheaplaque.jpg